Loco pilots in Hyderabad held a protest outside the Divisional Railway Manager’s office in Secunderabad. They are demanding the implementation of a 10-hour duty rule from sign-in to sign-off. Earlier this month, a signature campaign was organized and around 1,800 signatures were collected and submitted to railway officials.
The protesters stated that the Central Government has repeatedly promised that Loco Running Staff will not have to work more than 10 hours at a time. In 2016, the Ministry of Railway appointed a High Power Committee that recommended limiting duty hours to 10 hours from sign-on to off by 2020. However, this recommendation has not been implemented and loco pilots are still being forced to work extended hours of 12, 16, and even 20 hours, which compromises the safety of train operations.
A loco pilot, speaking anonymously, mentioned that the railway is not hiring more loco pilots and has not implemented the 10-hour duty rule. The shortage of staff is causing a lot of problems for the running staff in various categories. There are also delays in promotions due to legal issues, and the administration is not taking appropriate steps to address these problems.
Jilani Basha, a member of the All India Loco Running Staff Association, emphasized the need for 40 hours of weekly rest in addition to the 10 working hours. He expressed frustration that their representations regarding working hours have been ignored. He urged South Central Railway to address their concerns promptly.
Another loco pilot highlighted that the Higher Power Committee recommended giving running staff a periodical rest of 16 hours + 24 hours (calendar day), or 40 hours four times a month, and reducing night duty. However, due to a lack of loco pilots, they are still being made to work beyond their duty hours.
Overall, the loco pilots are demanding the implementation of the 10-hour duty rule, adequate rest periods, and the resolution of staffing and promotion issues. They hope that South Central Railway will take action soon to address their pleas.