Hyderabad is facing heavy rainfall since Tuesday morning, causing chaos in the city. Drainages are overflowing and roads have turned into canals, with people struggling in knee-deep water. The GHMC officials have urged residents to stay indoors unless it’s an emergency.
Many parts of the city are underwater, leading to difficulties for motorists. Vehicles have been washed away in several places due to the rain. Bikes and cars are stuck in floodwater, blocking main roads and causing inconvenience for drivers. The floodwater is particularly heavy near the Musapet metro station, affecting traffic going towards Kukatpally and coming from Erragadda.
A major traffic jam occurred on the national highway, with TSRTC buses getting stuck in floods near Srinagar on the Arangar National Highway. GHMC, DRF, and traffic police teams worked hard to rescue the stranded vehicles.
Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi has asked residents to stay alert as heavy rains are expected until Wednesday, based on IMD’s warning. If anyone faces any problems, they are advised to call the GHMC helpline numbers: 040-21111111, dial 100, or 9000113667 for assistance.
Additionally, due to the flood situation, the gates of Himayat Sagar and Usman Sagar reservoirs have been opened. Officials have been instructed to alert residents in lower areas near the Musi river. Immediate response to complaints received on the helpline is advised.