BJP MP and party OBC Morcha national president, Dr K Laxman, invited the people of Hyderabad to watch the live telecast of the Prana Pratista of Ram Lalla from Ayodhya at Nizam College Grounds on January 22. A large screen has been set up at the college ground for the live screening of the sacred event. The program will begin at 10 am and continue until 2 pm, showcasing the Prana Pratishsta, rituals, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s participation in the event. Bhakti Pravachanam, the recital of Hanuman Chalisa, and the distribution of prasadm will also take place.
State Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundrarajan and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy will be present at the program. Dr Laxman mentioned that Hindus all over the world are eagerly anticipating this historic occasion. However, the Congress and its allies in the opposition have turned it into a vote bank issue. They are boycotting the Prana Pratishta and expressing their anger towards Modi and the Ram Mandir. Dr Laxman criticized the Congress for hurting the sentiments of Hindus, stating that this has been the state of the party since Jawaharlal Nehru opposed the construction of the Somnath temple in 1951.