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Live streaming of Chandrayaan-3’s historic moon landing to be broadcasted in all educational institutions in Telangana

Live streaming of Chandrayaan-3's historic moon landing to be broadcasted in all educational institutions in Telangana

Excitement is building all over the world for the landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon. In Telangana, the State government has made arrangements for every student to witness this historic event. The education department has instructed schools and colleges to livestream the landing. The Director of School Education has issued orders to the DEOs and Principals to facilitate this. Telangana education channels TSAT will broadcast the landing on special screens and projectors in government schools. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has also made arrangements to broadcast the landing live. Everyone, especially students and youth, are encouraged to watch it. The Telangana government’s decision to make these arrangements is in line with the national request for people to pray for the safe landing of Chandrayaan-3.



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