The BJP has released a list of national office-bearers, and three veteran BJP leaders from Rajasthan will remain in their positions. Vasundhara Raje will continue as the party’s national vice-president, Sunil Bansal as National General Secretary, and Dr. Alka Singh Gurjar as National Secretary. This announcement comes ahead of party president JP Nadda’s election meeting in Jaipur. Nadda is holding a meeting with Rajasthan leaders for the second time in the last 15 days.
The BJP aims to mobilize leaders at the national level for the upcoming elections in Rajasthan. They want to emphasize collective leadership in the state. However, there is still uncertainty about who will lead the State Election Campaign Committee.
There is an ongoing internal battle within the Rajasthan BJP regarding the Chief Minister’s face for the elections. The party has instructed senior leaders to avoid any scandals before the polls. Senior leaders have been making frequent visits to convey the message of unity in fighting the elections together.
The BJP is now waiting for the formation of electoral committees, which will clarify Vasundhara Raje’s role. Her supporters are eagerly awaiting the announcement, speculating that she may be appointed as the chairman of the campaign committee or the main election committee.