The Mulugu Lions Club of Mulugu District, in collaboration with Gangishetti Satyanarayana Iron Hardware, has been organizing a clay Ganapati idol distribution program for the past nine years. This year, the Indian Red Cross Society distributed 250 clay Ganesha idols and the Lions Club of Mulugu distributed another 250 clay idols. The aim of the program is to promote environmental protection and raise awareness about the use of clay Ganapatis.
During the clay Ganapati distribution program, Dr. Allam Appiah, the Mulugu district DMHO and Indian Red Cross Chairman, and Mulugu DSP Ravinder participated as chief guests. They emphasized that worshiping and immersing clay Ganapati idols does not pollute the air or water, unlike the use of colored Ganapatis. They urged people to opt for earthen Ganesha idols to prevent environmental pollution and protect living beings.
The members of the Lions Club and the Indian Red Cross Society were felicitated for their efforts in organizing the clay Ganapati idol program for the past nine years. The program was also attended by Gangishetti Srinivas, the Indian Red Cross Vice Chairman, Secretary Chunchu Ramesh, District Presidents Kotte Rajireddy, and several other Lions Club and Red Cross members.
Overall, the program aimed to promote the use of clay Ganapati idols for a cleaner and healthier environment.