Nakrekal MLA Chirumarthy Lingaiah has said that many people, especially workers from the Congress party, are joining the BRS (Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi) due to the welfare schemes introduced by CM KCR. On Friday, 100 families joined the BRS in the presence of the MLA. The following day, approximately 200 families joined under the leadership of Rachakonda Saidulu, the party president of Kothapeta village. To welcome the Congress families into the BRS, the MLA honored them with pink shawls.
Lingaiah emphasized that the Congress party has no future in Telangana and predicted that CM KCR will be reelected for a third term. He urged everyone to work hard for the party’s victory. The event was attended by Market chairman Koppula Pradeep Reddy, party mandal president Maram Venkat Reddy, ZPTC Boppani Swarnalatha Suresh, sarpanch Janiki Ramulu, MPTC Burri Yadava Reddy, and others.