The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Andhra Pradesh chief, T Chandrashekar, recently spoke at a meeting where several leaders from Kurnool, Nandyal, and other towns of Andhra Pradesh joined the party at Telangana Bhavan. During his speech, Chandrashekar clarified that it was not BRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao who divided Andhra Pradesh but the Congress party, supported by the BJP, Telugu Desam, and YCP, who gave letters for bifurcation. He further explained that the BRS chief raised his voice against the injustice to Telangana and fought against the Andhra rulers.
Chandrashekar highlighted the development in Telangana during the last nine years, stating that the state has become drought-free and has drinking water, which was not the case ten years ago. He also mentioned that people from Andhra residing in Telangana have voted for BRS and that KCR has never targeted anyone.
Moreover, he urged people of AP to vote for BRS if they want development and stated that their vote for YCP, TDP, and JSP would ultimately go to BJP. Roads and Buildings Minister V Prashanth Reddy also spoke at the meeting and emphasized the need for commitment to develop Vizag, which has hundreds of km of sea coast. He alleged that the inefficiency of leaders in AP has hindered the state’s development and called for KCR’s leadership in AP.
Reddy also pointed out the unique political situation in AP, where both ruling YCP and opposition TDP are supporting BJP at the Centre. He expressed concern over the disinvestment in Vizag Steel Plant and stated that there was not a single leader who could question Prime Minister Narendra Modi about it.