MP and BJP OBC Morcha national president Dr K Laxman announced that 42,26,917 people in Telangana have benefited from the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) since the 2018-19 financial year. The beneficiaries were given loans worth Rs 38,159.42 crore. The Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Labour and Employment conducted a survey which showed that PMMY has generated 1.12 crore additional jobs in approximately three years from 2015. The survey also revealed that the Shishu category of loan has contributed to 66% of the employment, followed by Kishore with 19% and Tarun with 15%. As of June 30 this year, over 42.20 crore loans have been given under PMMY, with more than 11.93 crore loans going to the OBC category and 29 crore loans to women entrepreneurs.