KT Rama Rao, the working President of BRS and the IT and Industry minister, has taken note of the allegations made against him by Sukesh Chandrashekhar. Chandrashekhar is currently in jail and is accused of forgery, extortion, money laundering, and other corruption charges. He sent a complaint to the Union Home Minister, Telangana Governor, and the CBI director, accusing Rama Rao.
Rama Rao responded strongly on social media, calling Chandrashekhar a “delusional fraudster and noted criminal” and stating that he intends to take legal action against him. Rama Rao also requested the media to be cautious when publishing such wild comments from fibsters.
In a legal notice sent through his advocate, Rama Rao labeled the allegations as fictitious and based on falsified records. He accused Chandrashekhar of making scandalous remarks without any proof. The notice also criticized Chandrashekhar for seeking media attention from within his jail cell by spreading derogatory falsehoods against public figures.
Rama Rao demands an unconditional apology from Chandrashekhar and warns of further legal action if necessary.