The IT and MA&UD Minister of Telangana, KTR, announced that his father, K Chandrashekar Rao, is likely to become the Chief Minister for a third time in a row. No one has achieved this in the South before, not even NTR, MGR, or Jayalalitha. KTR believes that BRS will come to power in Telangana again because the state is advancing in all fields and receiving recognition from the Central government.
KTR stated that the Central government is giving Telangana 30% awards despite its population being less than 3% of the country’s total population. He criticized Union Minister Kishan Reddy for only working on Goa tours and trips while stating that the Congress party did not give irrigation even after ruling for many years.
KTR believes that every sector in Telangana is being taken care of, including cities, agriculture, and IT. He questioned why people should not vote for BRS since it is developing every sector.