Telangana’s Industries Minister KT Rama Rao spoke in New York about Telangana being a great place for investors to start a business. He explained that Telangana has everything needed for businesses to thrive, such as industry-friendly policies and a strong innovation ecosystem. Telangana has 14 priority sectors where investors can find opportunities. The minister attended an investor roundtable meeting in New York, hosted by the Consulate-General of India and the US India Strategic Partnership Forum.
At the roundtable, the Consul-General acknowledged Telangana and Hyderabad as important parts of global business conversations. The founder of Wingsure, an insurtech company, met with the minister and discussed potential business opportunities in agriculture and agri-related financial services. Aaron Capital, a leading investment banking company, also met with the minister to discuss potential collaboration with the state government.
Telangana is known for being investment-friendly with a strong innovation ecosystem, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and skilled workforce. Aaron Capital specializes in mergers, acquisitions, capital formations, financing and advisory services for clients in various industries.