Hyderabad: KT Rama Rao, the IT and Industries Minister, laid the foundation stone for the IT Tower in Malakpet. The tower is being built at a cost of Rs 700 crores and will create around 50,000 IT jobs in Hyderabad. It will cover 11 acres and have a built-up space of 15,00,000 sft.
Minister Rama Rao said that the IT Tower will become the new symbol of Malakpet and will be completed within 36 months. He assured that IT giants will set up their offices here, which will boost the ecosystem. The tower will encourage innovation and collaboration among experts in the field.
Rama Rao praised the investor-friendly policies of the Telangana Government, which attracted global IT companies to set up their offices in the state. He also mentioned that Hyderabad has surpassed Bengaluru in IT job creation for two consecutive years. The government is working on improving infrastructure and transportation to meet the city’s future needs.
The Minister highlighted Hyderabad’s peacekeeping and harmony efforts, mentioning the absence of communal disturbances or lynching incidents. He appreciated the Muslim community for postponing processions during the Ganesh festival. Rama Rao clarified that BRS’s steering is in the hands of CM KCR, while MIM’s steering is in the hands of Mr. Asaduddin. He also commented on PM Modi’s lack of appreciation for the Kaleshwaram project.
In conclusion, Rama Rao emphasized Telangana’s position as a leader in crop production and criticized the Modi Government’s approach towards broken rice consumption and lack of support for the Kaleshwaram project.