Former BRS Minister KT Rama Rao and other BRS leaders visited the Kaleswaram Medigadda Barrage in Bhupal Palli District on Friday. They inspected the site and discussed various issues related to the Kaleshwaram project.
BRS Working President K Tarakarama Rao issued a strong warning to the state government. He demanded that the reservoirs within the Kaleshwaram project area be filled by August 2. KTR threatened to mobilize 50,000 farmers to operate the pump houses if the government did not take action.
During the visit, BRS MLAs and MLCs accompanied KTR to various locations. They inspected the Lower Manair Reservoir in Karimnagar and the dried-up Godavari River at Indaram in Mancherial district. The delegation also visited the Sri Mukteswara Swamy Temple in Kaleshwaram, where KTR performed special prayers.
KTR stressed the need to provide water to the drought-prone regions of Telangana. He accused the government of not operating the pump houses for political reasons. According to him, this inaction was an attempt to tarnish the image of former Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao.
“The Kaleshwaram project was constructed at an unprecedented speed to ensure that the word ‘drought’ is never heard in Telangana,” KTR stated.