The State IT and Industry Minister, KT Rama Rao, has said that many handloom clusters will be developed in Telangana. These clusters include Narayanpet, Gadwal, Dubbaka, Kodakandla, Mahadevpur, and Kothakota. During a meeting, KTR reviewed the ongoing schemes and development activities being implemented in the Handlooms and Textiles Department and TSCO. He asked officials to simplify ongoing schemes such as the Chenetha Mitra Scheme. The authorities have also been asked to submit a report on the implementation of Block Level Clusters in the State.
KTR instructed the authorities to complete all remaining works in the existing mini textile parks and apparel parks. He also asked officials to prepare a report on Gundlapochampally Apparel Park and prioritise encouragement for private and public parks like White Gold. During the meeting, KTR discussed the progress of the Gadwal handloom park and suggested making the handloom weaving profession more lucrative so that migrated handloom weavers will return to the profession.
Officials were advised to celebrate National Handloom Day (August 23) in a grand manner and establish a Handloom Museum in Hyderabad. The officials were also asked to visit Tirupur to study the Tirupur model and develop similar clusters in Telangana to promote fibre-to-fashion linkage and help backward and forward linkages.