Minister K T Rama Rao has announced that Rs 100 crore will be allocated for development in the Old City of Hyderabad. This decision came after a request from AIMIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi during the Assembly’s Question Hour. The Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority will receive this funding from the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.
Additionally, K T Rama Rao revealed that an additional Rs 100 crore will be deposited into the QQSUAD’s account to ensure smooth progress on their work. He also mentioned that Rs 150 crore had already been released from HMDA for road widening in seven constituencies near Charminar.
The Minister expressed regret over the delay in projects related to the Charminar Pedestrianisation Project (CPP). However, he assured that the government was committed to achieving the “World Heritage Tag” and that various projects were at different stages of completion.
In response to a question about bridges over Musi, K T Rama Rao clarified that two pedestrian bridges would be constructed. One iconic bridge will connect Salarjung Museum to Afzalgunj central library, while another will be built on the eastern side of Nayapul. Additionally, Rs 36.3 crore has been allocated for façade development at Laad Bazaar.
The Minister emphasized that all heritage structures would be uplifted, following the example of Moazzam Jahi market, as part of their commitment to achieving the “World Heritage Tag.”