KT Rama Rao, the working president of the BRS party, stated that despite facing losses due to COVID-19, the development in the State of Hyderabad continued under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. KTR campaigned in the Vikarabad constituency and highlighted the upgrades made to the tandas in Vikarabad under CM KCR’s leadership. He also mentioned that the BRS government had six and a half years to govern and achieved significant developments that the Congress couldn’t do in six decades. KTR spoke about the establishment of new colleges in the district and emphasized CM KCR’s commitment to farmers’ welfare. He responded to Revanth Reddy’s statement on the power supply and criticized the lack of knowledge about farming among Congress leaders. KTR praised CM KCR for introducing the Rythu Bandhu scheme and mentioned the various benefits provided to farmers and women in the State.