Telangana’s IT and Industries Minister, KT Rama Rao, met with a delegation of industries and trade representatives from Sweden, led by the country’s Ambassador Jan Thesleff. During the meeting, KTR explained Telangana’s industrial policies and investment opportunities. He also welcomed Swedish companies to invest in technology and manufacturing sectors in Telangana. The delegation appreciated the State government’s industry-friendly policies and infrastructure development in the past eight years. Ambassador Jan Thesleff assured the minister that he will try to bring in more investments to Telangana.
The Ambassador also mentioned that they formed an Investment Facilitation Mechanism to work with companies willing to invest in India. This mechanism works with Swedish companies, and their Embassy regularly researches investment opportunities in Telangana, providing support to Swedish companies. KTR said that Telangana is the best investment destination in India and that complete support will be provided to Swedish companies willing to invest in the State.