Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy accused BRS senior leader T Harish Rao of meeting with former State Intelligence chief T Prabhakar Rao during his recent visit to the US. Reddy claimed that Prabhakar Rao, who is the main accused in a phone-tapping case, is in the US under the guise of medical treatment. The minister challenged others to provide evidence to support their claims.
Reddy suggested that if Prabhakar Rao returns to India, he might reveal damaging information that could implicate KCR’s family. Reddy referred to KCR as a ‘rakshasa’ and accused him of indulging in phone-tapping, which he described as an unprecedented act by those in power worldwide. Reddy also alleged that BRS leaders engaged in extortion and illegal activities, using Prabhakar Rao as a front.
The minister named individuals involved in the alleged racket, including Radhakishan Rao, Praneeth Rao, Bhujanga Rao, and Tirupatanna. Reddy asserted that he has evidence to prove that Harish Rao met with Prabhakar Rao in the US a week before.