Hyderabad will host the International Kite Festival at Parade Grounds, Secunderabad, from January 13 to 15. The festival, which was not held for the past three years due to Covid, will showcase colorful kites of different sizes and shapes. The Tourism department has made arrangements for the event, with 40 international kite flyers from 16 countries set to display their talent. The festival aims to reflect the culture and traditions of Telangana. In addition to kite flying, visitors can enjoy a variety of national and international sweets available at stalls. The festival attracted around eight lakh visitors in 2018 and is expected to be a success this year as well. To make the event more enjoyable, stalls of handicrafts and handlooms will be set up, and cultural programs will be organized. Authorities from GHMC, police, and other departments are working to ensure a hassle-free experience for visitors with free entry.