Telangana BJP president and Union Minister Kishan Reddy expressed his frustration when he was treated rudely while inquiring about the double bedroom houses. He emphasized that as a Union Minister, he has the right to visit these places. Reddy criticized the police for treating him like a criminal and suppressing dissenting voices. He believes that arresting BJP leaders alone will not address the public’s grievances.
Reddy clarified that the BJP did not participate in any protests or demonstrations. He accused the TRS government of having dictatorial tendencies. Reddy expressed his disappointment at being treated inhumanely and chased like a criminal at the airport. He claimed that anyone who tries to understand the people’s suffering will be arrested.
Reddy accused the KCR government of betraying the poor and stated that they are determined to awaken the Telangana government. He suggested that they were arrested out of fear and declared that the war has begun in Telangana. He reminded everyone that his political career started with struggles and challenged KCR to fulfill his promise of building 50 lakh houses, promising support from the Centre.