BJP Telangana president and Union Minister Kishan Reddy made some interesting comments about various issues. He questioned why the Revanth Reddy government is not writing a letter to the Centre for an inquiry into the Kaleshwaram project. He accused the government of acting in favor of KCR and not conducting any ground tests before the project’s construction. He criticized the Congress government for protecting KCR and not agreeing to a CBI inquiry into corruption in Telangana.
Kishan Reddy demanded Revanth Reddy to write a letter to the CBI regarding the Kaleswaram project and assured that the Centre will take responsibility for the investigation. He accused Congress of protecting KCR and spending time on judicial investigation. He also mentioned that Revanth Reddy made shocking comments about the government’s lack of full majority and their understanding with BRS.
Kishan Reddy stated that KCR lost because of family rule and even if BRS wins one seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, it doesn’t matter. He said that people are ready to support BJP because they are unsure who the leader of the Congress party is. He also mentioned that the party is considering MRPS president Manda Krishna Madiga as a candidate for MP.
Overall, Kishan Reddy discussed various issues including the Kaleshwaram project, corruption, and the upcoming elections.