Telangana Bharatiya Janata Party State President and Union Minister Kishan Reddy held a meeting with the presidents of BJP Morchas. The meeting was attended by Sunil Bansal and Prakash Javadekar, along with former MLAs, MLCs, MPs, and public representatives. They discussed various matters and took into account the opinions of those present.
During the meeting, the former MLAs and MPs expressed their satisfaction at being recognized and expressed their willingness to take on any assigned tasks. However, they raised concerns about the party not taking action against MLC Kavitha and suggested that it would be better if the candidates for the upcoming elections were announced earlier.
In response, Sunil Bansal and Prakash Javadekar assured the presidents of the affiliated fronts that they would be available in the future. They also advised those interested in running in the next elections to focus on addressing public issues in their constituencies. The leaders recommended meeting Indira Sena Reddy in the absence of Kishan Reddy.
Meanwhile, the BJP is strategizing to ensure success in the upcoming Telangana elections and planning activities for the next 100 days in the state.