The BJP state president and Union Minister, G Kishan Reddy, stated that there will be political changes in Khammam district soon. He attended a meeting to discuss the preparations for Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to Khammam on August 27. Shah will address a public meeting and meet with party leaders in the district. Reddy urged party members to make the meeting a success by mobilizing over 1 lakh people.
Reddy emphasized the importance of Khammam district in the history of the Telangana movement. He criticized left parties for engaging in opportunistic politics and losing their stability. Reddy accused the Kalvakuntla family of corruption, cheating, and betraying the people. He alleged that the BRS party was collecting large sums of money from poor Dalits and conspiring to use liquor tenders’ money to lure voters. Reddy also criticized the inefficient ruling and rampant corruption under KCR’s leadership.
Reddy called on the people to give BJP a chance, just as they had favored Congress and BRS in the past. The meeting was attended by various party leaders and officials.