Union Minister and Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized the Congress, calling it a curse for the country. He accused the Congress of implementing Jinnah’s Constitution instead of Dr Ambedkar’s statute. Speaking to the media, Reddy condemned the Congress for using negative rhetoric and spreading false propaganda against the BJP.
Reddy slammed the Congress for its actions during the British rule in India, claiming that the party tried to make Italian-born Sonia Gandhi the Prime Minister. He emphasized that the BJP was founded for the country and has a history of making sacrifices to oppose the Congress’s agenda. Reddy also accused the Congress of allowing the implementation of Jinnah’s Constitution in Jammu and Kashmir through Article 370, which led to numerous deaths and financial burden on the exchequer.
According to Reddy, the Congress is resorting to spreading misinformation in order to win elections. He blamed the Congress for issues such as corruption, dysfunctional electoral system, poverty, mafia influence, and dynastic politics, labeling it as a curse to the nation. Reddy refuted claims made by the Congress that the BJP would abolish reservations if it came to power, stating that the Modi government has not removed any existing reservations and has even provided additional benefits to economically weaker sections.
In conclusion, Reddy stressed that the BJP is committed to serving the country and upholding the welfare of all citizens, dismissing allegations made by the Congress as baseless and misleading.