Union Minister and Telangana State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy has been urging people to support the BJP in order to re-elect Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a third term. He spoke at multiple meetings during the Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra of Krishnamma Cluster, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming elections.
During a gathering in Mahbubnagar, Kishan Reddy highlighted the corruption-free governance of Modi and the various welfare schemes implemented for different sections of society. He mentioned that PM Modi has promised to prioritize the well-being of women, youth, farmers, and the poor if elected for a third term.
Kishan Reddy also praised the central government for allocating funds for the development of Palamuru University and improving national highways in Mahbubnagar. He expressed gratitude to the people of Palamuru for their support to the BJP, stating that the party will always remember them.
The Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra, which started from five locations, has been well-received by crowds, especially youth and villagers. Kishan Reddy continued to address people along the route, with a grand welcome in Dhanwada town and a bike rally in various villages.
The yatra progressed through towns like Devarakadra and Kottakota, with Union Minister Kishan Reddy actively engaging with supporters and party activists. The overall message remains clear: the people want Modi to return as Prime Minister due to his leadership in addressing various issues and advancing the country’s development.