State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized former Union minister P Chidambaram’s claims of Congress giving separate Telangana. He pointed out that the people of Telangana had gone on a protest called ‘Sakala Janula Samme’, which forced the Congress-led UPA government to create a separate state. Reddy mentioned that the party had a history of violence during the Telangana movement, with 365 students being shot down in the first phase and 1,200 lives claimed in the second phase.
Reddy emphasized that four crore people participated in the ‘Sakala Janula Samme’, which eventually led to the formation of Telangana. He credited the late External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and 160 BJP MPs for voicing the demands of the people of Telangana and pressuring the Congress to agree to the creation of the state. Reddy accused the Congress of acting dictatorially during the separatist movement and neglecting the water, funds, and job needs of Telangana, which resulted in the deaths of many youngsters. He stated that the people of Telangana will not forgive the Congress.
Meanwhile, BJP OBC national president Dr K Laxman also dismissed Chidambaram’s claims of Congress giving Telangana during a media interaction. He criticized the Congress for its cruelty towards Telugus from the beginning. Laxman mentioned that the Congress was responsible for the death of Potti Sriramulu during the creation of Andhra Pradesh. Additionally, he highlighted that the party was involved in the shooting of 365 students in the first phase and the deaths of 1,200 students in the second phase of the separatist agitation.