There was a lot of rush at the Khairatabad Maha Ganesh in Hyderabad on Sunday. Many devotees came to seek blessings from the tallest Ganapati in the city. However, some people, including children and senior citizens, faced difficulties due to the crowd.
The devotees started lining up early in the morning. While some were waiting for darshan, others were busy taking selfies, which made the area look even more crowded. Because of the heavy rush, it was difficult to determine where the queue lines were starting, causing confusion among visitors. Unfortunately, some people lost their valuables like purses and cell phones, and a few children went missing. Additionally, some elderly individuals fell unconscious.
To manage the situation, the police arranged queue lines from Khairatabad Metro Station, Tank Bund, and Telephone Bhavan. The mass immersion procession will take place on September 28 to celebrate Ananta Chaturdashi.
The organizers mentioned that as it was a Sunday before the immersion, there was a large crowd. The Khairatabad Maha Ganesh is not only the tallest but also one of the oldest Ganapati samithis in the city. The idol, made of clay, stands at 63 ft tall. Every year, several VIPs and numerous devotees visit the pandal.