Keshampet ZPTC Tandra Vishala Shravan Reddy praised the Telangana State government for focusing on the welfare of its citizens. She spoke at a meeting called ‘Telangana Welfare Day Celebrations’ in Shadnagar constituency. She talked about how the government has worked hard to help people who are usually ignored. She also said that the previous Telangana government did not focus on the welfare of its citizens.
The Telangana government has worked to help people from lower castes. They have given financial support to girls who come from poor families and are getting married. Each girl child will get Rs. 1,00,116 from the government. The government has also put aside more than 60 thousand crores in the annual budget to help people who need it. All of this shows that the government is committed to making sure everyone has a better life.
Overall, the Telangana government has done a lot to help people who are often ignored and forgotten. They have made it a priority to make sure everyone gets the support they need to have a better life.