The Rouse Avenue court in New Delhi issued a notice to the CBI regarding BRS leader K Kavitha’s bail application in a corruption case related to the alleged Delhi excise scam. The judge, Kaveri Baweja, sent Kavitha to judicial custody until April 23 and asked the CBI to respond to the application by April 22.
During the court proceedings, the judge cautioned Kavitha about speaking to the media while in custody. The judge reprimanded Kavitha for talking to reporters in the court premises and advised her lawyer to ensure that any statements are made outside the court. The CBI had requested 14 days of custody for Kavitha but the judge did not find it necessary.
The CBI argued that Kavitha was not cooperating during questioning and was withholding information. They expressed concerns about her influence as a prominent politician and requested judicial custody to prevent her from interfering with the ongoing investigation. Kavitha’s lawyer contested these claims, stating that they were not sufficient reasons for judicial custody.
The investigation is still ongoing, with important witnesses yet to be examined and evidence to be collected. The CBI emphasized the need for further custody to ensure a thorough and unbiased investigation. Kavitha’s counsel continued to oppose this request during the court proceedings.