Residents of low-lying areas in Hyderabad, including West Venkatapuram, BHEL Colony, Bhudevi Nagar, Bharathi Nagar and Harijan Basti, are concerned about flooding during the monsoon season. While the government focuses on beautifying VVIP areas like NTR Marg and GHMC headquarters, little attention is given to finding permanent solutions for flooding in these areas. Main roads become non-motorable and turn into rivulets after just one heavy rain, causing problems for residents. GHMC has advised people to be careful around open nalas and to only leave their homes in case of emergency.
Residents have expressed frustration with the lack of action from civic authorities despite promises made during election campaigns. Works have been done in areas without waterlogging, while low-lying areas are neglected. Nalas and water drains in affected areas have not been maintained or replaced, and the Nala in Bhudevi Nagar has been encroached. During the 2020 floods, many colonies were inundated, and the lack of proper drainage systems causes dirty water to gush out of manholes.
Residents have appealed to civic authorities for help, but their requests have fallen on deaf ears. They are now left with no choice but to manually drain water from their homes using buckets during the monsoon season.