The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K Chandrasekhar Rao, helped unveil a 125-foot statue of Dr B R Ambedkar on Friday. The unveiling took place on the anniversary of the Constitution architect’s birth. The statue was placed on the banks of the Hussein Sagar lake, and traditional rituals were performed by Buddhist monks before the unveiling.
The event was attended by many state leaders, including ministers, MPs, MLAs, and top officials. During the unveiling, flower petals were showered on the statue from a helicopter. The venue was filled with loud applause and slogans such as ‘Jai Bheem.’
After the unveiling, KCR and Prakash Ambedkar toured the statue’s premises and saw a photo exhibition and small documentary about Ambedkar’s life. Monks recited hymns in memory of Ambedkar, creating a festive atmosphere. KCR explained the government’s efforts over seven years to install the statue to Prakash Ambedkar. Lastly, KCR felicitated Prakash Ambedkar and the monks and praised Welfare Minister K Eshwar and R&B Minister V Prashanth Reddy for completing the project ahead of schedule.