BRS chief and former Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) has called an emergency meeting this evening. The meeting is to discuss the Telangana state budget that was presented by the Congress government in the Assembly. KCR will be talking with party MLAs to plan their strategy for the assembly after the budget announcement. He has asked party members to come back to Hyderabad right after their visit to Medigadda.
In other news, BRS Working President K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) canceled a media conference that was scheduled to happen in Kyatanapally. This shows a change in focus towards the assembly proceedings and budget discussions.
Yesterday, KCR made his first appearance in the assembly as the leader of the opposition. He came into the House with 25 party MLAs just minutes after the budget speech started. He left two minutes before the speech ended, showing his disagreement with the government’s budget plans.
After the session, KCR criticized the budget. He said it misleads farmers and compared it to a “story” rather than a serious financial plan. He described the budget speech as shallow and not meeting the expectations of such an important government responsibility.