The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, has announced that the new Telangana State Secretariat has been built in a way that reflects the people’s aspirations. The Secretariat complex has been constructed with high technical values and is the country’s first eco-friendly structure. It has many unique features and is built to ensure that employees work in a pleasant environment. The Chief Minister hopes that the new Secretariat will pave the way for a qualitative change in government functioning and inspire the entire country.
The Secretariat is named after Dr B.R. Ambedkar, a great leader, to ensure that all communities receive equal rights in socio-economic, political, and cultural fields. This is the first state in India to name its Secretariat after a great leader. The Telangana Martyrs Memorial and the Ambedkar statue will guide future generations towards good governance.
The Chief Minister congratulated the workers and professionals who played a vital role in constructing the iconic structure of Secretariat. Telangana is a thriving state which has become a role model state for the country. KCR hopes that the progress achieved will continue with a vision.