Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, also known as KCR, will be visiting Nalgonda district on Sunday for his assembly election campaign. He will be speaking at campaign meetings in the Kodada, Tungaturthi, and Aleru constituencies. KCR will leave Hyderabad at 1 pm and arrive in Kodada at 1.40 pm for a Praja Ashirwad Sabha at 1.50 pm.
Afterwards, at 2.30 pm, KCR will travel to Tirumalagiri in the Tungathurthi constituency to address a public meeting at 3.10 pm. He will then leave at 3.50 pm and arrive in Aler at 4.10 pm. Once the meeting in Aler is over, he will return to Hyderabad. On October 31st, KCR is scheduled to visit three more constituencies – Huzurnagar, Miryalaguda, and Devarakonda – where he will participate in public meetings organized by the BRS party.
In recent days, KCR has intensified his campaign after the Dussehra festival and criticized the Congress party and its promises as false in his meetings.