The BJP’s state president Bandi Sanjay Kumar demanded that the Telangana State government cancel its order to allocate 11 acres of land in Kokapet to the BRS party at a throwaway price. Kumar claimed that the government had allocated the land for Rs 40 crore instead of its market value of Rs 1,100 crore. He also accused the government of scrapping GO.No.111 to encourage real estate and allow KCR’s family to purchase land from the poor at cheaper rates. Kumar said that former Congress members YeletiMaheswar Reddy and Ramarao Patel had joined the BJP, and he remained confident that the BJP would come to power in Telangana.
Kumar accused the BRS and Congress of looting the state and claimed that CM KCR had lands to allocate for the ruling party despite claiming a lack of funds for essential services like constructing double-bedroom houses and paying salaries on time. Kumar also dismissed the impact of the Karnataka Assembly elections on Telangana politics and stated that the BJP would contest on its own and come to power.