Former chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao criticized the Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice L Narasimha Reddy for its biased approach. The Commission is investigating power purchase agreements from Chhattisgarh and the construction of thermal power projects in Bhadradri and Yadadri.
KCR defended his government’s decisions during the power crisis in Telangana’s early days, saying they had to buy power from other states. He mentioned objections raised by current Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, who was a TDP MLA at the time, but those objections were cleared by the Electricity Regulatory Commissions.
KCR pointed out that state ERCs have the authority to ratify power purchase agreements, and questioned the Commission’s biased comments. He requested Justice Reddy to step down from the inquiry.
The former CM also highlighted the competitive rates at which Telangana purchased power compared to other states. He questioned the Commission’s objections to the construction of thermal power projects, stating that all necessary permissions were obtained.
KCR accused the current government of ordering the inquiry with political motives and asked Justice Reddy to recuse himself from heading the Commission.