Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has advised party candidates to be cautious and seek the help of the legal team while filing nomination papers. He handed over B-forms to 51 candidates at Telangana Bhavan on Sunday and will give the remaining candidates their signed B-forms on Monday.
During his conversation with the candidates, Rao warned them to be careful while filing nominations. He mentioned cases filed against leaders like Srinivas Goud, Vanama Venkateshwara Rao, and B Krishnamohan Reddy from Gadwal who won the election by a large margin but faced legal issues. Rao emphasized the need for caution and consulting with the party’s legal team.
Rao also mentioned that the party made minor changes in the distribution of tickets. For example, in Vemulawada, a candidate faced legal hurdles, so changes were made. In Asifabad, Kova Lakshmi was given the ticket based on her popularity.
Lastly, Rao urged the candidates to take leaders along with them. He shared an example of Jupally Krishna Rao, who did not listen to this advice and ended up losing the election.