Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao criticized the successive Indian governments for lacking direction and not focusing on the country’s growth. He spoke to leaders from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh who joined the BRS political party on Sunday. He urged people to stop following politics in the name of party founders and instead focus on winning the aspirations of Dalits, Backward communities, and other marginalized groups. The Chief Minister emphasized the need for more active governance from the Center to overcome injustices and provide better living conditions for farmers. He also highlighted the natural resources that India has, such as water, cultivable land, coal reserves, and good climate for agriculture, yet farmers are still committing suicide due to a lack of focus from the government.
K Chandrashekar Rao explained that BRS is not just a political party but a mission to change India by providing 24-hour electricity within two years of winning. He also mentioned successful schemes implemented in Telangana such as Dalit Bandhu, Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, free electricity, and pensions support. The Chief Minister questioned why these schemes were not implemented in Madhya Pradesh. He alleged that some parties incited hatred with false promises, and the Election Commission of India failed to stop irregularities and misdeeds.
Finally, senior political leaders, intellectuals, social groups, and others joined the BRS party from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The CM appointed former MP Buddhasen Patel as the coordinator of Madhya Pradesh BRS. The party plans to set up its own office in Bhopal and campaign vehicles in all constituencies to sensitize people on party ideology and distribute materials in every village.