The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekhar Rao, will lay the foundation stone for the expansion of NIMS Hospital on Wednesday. The expansion, called ‘Dashabdi Block,’ will have 2,000 beds. This is a part of the Health Day celebrations under the Telangana State Formation decennial celebrations. The Health Minister, T Harish Rao, said that this is a historical day for the health sector in Telangana. He also tweeted that NIMS will become one of the biggest hospitals in India with 4,000 beds. The Chief Minister will lay the foundation stone for the new 2,000 bedded Dashabdi Block as part of Telangana Dashabdi Utsavalu.
This upgrade is a testament to the foresight and vision of CM KCR towards Arogya Telangana. It is not just for the healthy future of the current generation but also for generations to come.