In Hyderabad, BRS Chief K Chandrashekar Rao announced the candidates for two more Lok Sabha segments on Friday. MLC P Venkatram Reddy was chosen to run for the Medak seat, while RS Praveen Kumar was given the Nagarkurnool ticket.
Praveen Kumar, a former IPS officer who recently joined the BRS, was selected as a candidate after previously heading the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) in the State. He had announced an alliance with the BRS for the LS elections, but when BSP national president Mayawati opposed any alliances in the country, Praveen Kumar left the party and joined the BRS. KCR announced his candidature on Friday.
Another former bureaucrat, P Venkatram Reddy, was also given a ticket. He had served as the collector of Siddipet District and gained attention when he touched KCR’s feet during a visit by the chief minister. Venkatram Reddy was later made a member of the legislative council and is now asked to run from Medak.
Initially, there were talks of Vanteru Pratap Reddy being a candidate for the Medak constituency as he held preparatory meetings with party leaders. However, KCR chose Venkatram Reddy instead.
The BRS has now announced candidates for 13 out of the 17 LS constituencies. The candidates include Atram Sakku (Adilabad), Bajireddy Goverdhan (Nizamabad), B Vinod Kumar (Karimnagar), Kasani Gnaneshwar (Chevella), Kadiyam Kavya (Warangal), Ragidi Lakshma Reddy (Malkajgiri), Manne Srinivas Reddy (Mahbubnagar), Nama Nageswara Rao (Khammam), Koppula Eshwar (Peddapally), Maloth Kavitha (Mahabubabad), and Gali Anil Kumar (Zaheerabad). Candidates for four LS segments, including two in Nalgonda and the twin cities of Secunderabad and Hyderabad, are yet to be announced.