The Telangana Government has announced that Jayaraj, a famous poet, lyricist, and singer, will be receiving the “Kaloji Narayana Rao Award” for the year 2023. This award is given every year by the State Government in memory of Padma Vibhushan “Praja Kavi” Kaloji Narayana Rao. The Chief Minister, K Chandrashekhar Rao, selected Jayaraj for this prestigious award based on the recommendations of a committee.
The award will be presented to Jayaraj at an official function on September 9, which is Kaloji’s birth anniversary. Along with a memento, Jayaraj will receive a cash prize of Rs 1,01,116.
Jayaraj, who is 60 years old and originally from old Warangal (now Mahabubabad district), has overcome many hardships in his life. Despite coming from a poor Dalit family, he has gained fame as a poet. Jayaraj’s literature focuses on creating a society without discrimination and is influenced by Buddha’s teachings and inspired by Ambedkar’s writings.
During the Telangana movement, Jayaraj actively participated as a people’s poet and promoted the Telangana ideology through cultural programs. He visited every village to connect with people and spread his message. Jayaraj has also written songs about environmental preservation and the importance of nature. His literature explores the deep relationship between mankind and nature. Many of Jayaraj’s books have already gained popularity among readers.