Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao addressed the party’s general body meeting and emphasized the importance of the BRS winning the upcoming elections. He urged party workers to put aside their differences and work hard for the next 40 days. KCR expressed his commitment to spending one day every month in Gajwel after securing a hat-trick victory, taking up the tasks requested by the people in the constituency.
KCR mentioned his previous promises to personally visit districts and oversee the completion of housing projects. He empathized with farmers who lost their lands due to various projects and acknowledged his own family’s land loss. He encouraged party members to ensure victory not only in Gajwel but also in the nearby constituencies, predicting a win of 90-105 seats for the BRS.
Despite contesting from Kamareddy, KCR assured that he would not abandon Gajwel and would still address the needs of its residents. He stated his intention to return to Gajwel in the next elections. KCR also highlighted the opposition faced by projects such as Kaleshwaram, Konda Pochamma, and Mallannasagar from Congress leaders and individuals like Kodandaram. He promised water supply to every village in Gajwel during the second phase of these projects.