BJP state president and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar criticized BRS leaders for celebrating the completion of tenders for a Railway Over Bridge (ROB) near Theegalaguttapally in Karimnagar parliamentary constituency. He questioned why the tender work had not been finalized yet, even after seven months of the Centre’s approval. Kumar also stated that the Centre agreed to pay Rs.126.74 crore for the construction of the ROB.
Kumar wrote letters to the State government several times asking them to start the construction work of the ROB and complete it at the earliest. He added that BJP leaders had staged dharnas and agitations to protest against the delay. Kumar alleged that the state Government had first agreed to pay 80% of the total cost of the construction of the ROB but failed to keep its word later.
In summary, Kumar criticized BRS leaders for celebrating a tender completion that was already long overdue. He also pointed out the Centre’s agreement to fund the project and accused the State government of not fulfilling their promise to pay 80% of the total cost.