The Kannada community in Hyderabad is celebrating Naada Habba, a ten-day Dasara celebration, with great enthusiasm. This year marks the 88th year of celebration by the Karnataka Sahitya Mandira, a group that has been organizing the festival for 87 years. The festival showcases the rich culture and literature of the Kannada community and includes various cultural activities. Hyderabad is home to nearly ten lakh Kannada-speaking residents, and the festival is being celebrated in different areas of the city.
Narasimha Murthy Jois, the Secretary of Karnataka Sahitya Mandira, expressed his excitement about the 88th year of celebration. He mentioned that the festival focuses on literary and cultural activities, as well as competitions for children to encourage them. The organization has planned literary seminars, cultural programs like music, gazals, dramas, and dances representing various cultures. Renowned artists from national and international backgrounds have been invited to perform and participate in these events.
The festival begins with prayers to Naada Devi on the first day, followed by ten days of cultural programs and performances by artists from Karnataka. The aim is to promote awareness of the community’s rich culture and customs. Although they try to replicate the atmosphere and fervor of the Mysore festival, they do not have a large elephant procession due to space constraints.
Many people, like Manthan Shetty, an IT employee, eagerly participate in the Nadahabba celebrations at Karnataka Sahitya Mandira. They enjoy attending the musical events organized during Navratri and find them mesmerizing and melodious.