A new book about the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR), was released at a function in Hyderabad on Saturday. The book, titled ‘A Political Biography NTR’ was written by senior editor K Ramachandra Murthy and was released by retired Supreme Court judges B Sudarshan Reddy and Chalameshwar.
At the event, Justice Sudarshan Reddy praised NTR for being a rare leader who loved and worked for the people he served. He noted that the book covers many of the twists and turns in NTR’s political life, and highlights his policies such as the mandal system, decentralization of administration, reservations for backward classes, and equal rights for women in property.
Justice Chalameshwar added that NTR brought identity to Telugu people at a time when they were often referred to as ‘Madrasi’ by North Indians. Professor Haragopal spoke about NTR’s respect for honesty and ethics, and his ability to accept criticism.
The author of the book, K Ramachandra Murthy, lamented the fact that there are not many books about a leader who had such a significant impact on national politics. He noted that NTR formed a government with a huge majority within just nine months of forming a political party, and that he used to focus on public meetings while Chandrababu Naidu looked after finances.
Former Rajya Sabha member KVP Ramachandra Rao, Professor M Kodandaram, retired High Court judge Justice Raghuram, and others were also present at the book release function.