Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia recently criticized the Congress party for portraying Rahul Gandhi’s court battle as a fight for democracy. Scindia claimed that the Congress will do anything to maintain their political relevance, even if it means undermining democracy in India. He argued that the conflict between Rahul Gandhi and the government is personal and not related to democracy.
Scindia pointed out that Rahul Gandhi is not the first person to be barred from the Lok Sabha, as Azam Khan and Jayalalithaa were also disqualified. He questioned why Rahul Gandhi was receiving special treatment and predicted that Congress lawmakers who joined him in court were trying to pressure the judges.
In response to Scindia’s remarks, Congress MP Adhir Chowdhury criticized Scindia and asked him to justify why the party’s demand for a JPC investigation into the alleged Adani fraud is incorrect. Chowdhury also defended the color black, which was worn by many protesting Congress members, saying that even the PM’s bodyguard wears black.
Overall, Scindia’s comments shed light on the ongoing political tensions in India and raise important questions about the role of democracy in the country’s political landscape.