The State BJP has criticized the government for issuing show-cause notices to junior panchayat secretaries who have been on strike for the past 11 days. The party chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, said that the employees’ demands are justified and that they have cleared written examinations and joined service according to norms. However, the State government has imposed a three-year probation period, extending it by one year, even though the standard probationary period for any job is only one or two years. The striking employees have completed their probationary period, and not regularizing their services is unjust. Kumar questioned whether their services were not regularized because they could not pay bribes.
Kumar claimed that the State government has failed to fulfill its promises of loan waivers, free urea, unemployment allowances, job opportunities for each household, three acres for dalits, and the implementation of Dalit Bandhu. He questioned Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for acting in vengeance against poor panchayat secretaries who lack power. Kumar warned the government against sacking the panchayat secretaries and demanded that their services be regularized within seven days; otherwise, the BJP will join the striking employees and lay siege to Pragati Bhavan and stop ministers and the CM everywhere.
Kumar assured the striking employees that the coming BJP government would take them all back into service.