The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, has decided to make the service of Junior Panchayat Secretaries (JPS) regular. He has asked the Principal Secretary of Panchayat Raj, Sandeep Kumar Sultania, to finalize the details. The CM suggested forming committees at the district level to evaluate the performance of JPS. These committees will include the district Collector, additional Collector (local bodies), district forest officer, and district SP or DCP members. A secretary-level or HOD-level officer from the State level will act as an observer.
At the State level, a committee will be formed with the principal secretary of the panchayati raj department as its chairperson. The State-level committee will examine the proposal sent by the District Level Committee and send a report to the Chief Secretary. The CM also instructed that new JPS should be appointed at a later stage of regularisation.
The meeting was attended by Ministers Harish Rao, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, MLCs Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, Deshapathi Srinivas, Padi Kaushik Reddy, MLAs Jeevan Reddy, Balka Suman, Chief Advisor Somesh Kumar, Cm’s Principal Secretary Narsing Rao, Government’s Principal Advisor Rajiv Sharma, CS Shanti Kumari, Panchayat Raj Principal Secretary Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Finance Special Chief Secretary Ramakrishna Rao, Revenue Principal Secretary Naveen Mittal, Chief Minister’s Secretary Bhupal Reddy, Information Department Special Commissioner Ashok Reddy and others.
Tags: CM KCR, Telangana, Chief Minister, K Chandrashekar Rao, Junior Panchayat Secretaries, Disctrict Collectors.