The Ravindra Bharathi auditorium was filled with rhythmic tunes on Sunday as the Jadavpur University Alumni Association, Hyderabad Chapter (JUAAH), organized a fusion music concert featuring Tabla Maestro Pandit Bickram Ghosh and his band, Rythmscape.
The event was attended by Chief Secretary Jayesh Ranjan and retired IAS officer Chandana Khan. Aniruddha Sengupta, President of JUAAH, mentioned that the purpose of such programs is to raise funds for philanthropic activities like sponsoring needy students and helping the underprivileged. “After missing the event for the last four years, we decided to organize a musical night this year. We have more events planned, including another concert on May 12 and various philanthropic activities in the future.”
Bickram Ghosh, an alumnus of Jadavpur University, expressed his pleasure at performing at the concert.